Darkayngel's Crypt
My Bloodlines
This page is dedicated to the person i love most in the entire world: my boyfriend Tom. I love you. Now, what to put here? pictures of you? My lyrics? Hmm... any stuff related to you i guess. Ah well. I LOVE YOU MORE (hehe)... cya. *BECCA*
 This is the only pic i have of you so far... i gotta get my film developped.. and get my scanner working. Or use your digital! n/m.
  Hey look its a pretty pretty flower called Dracula Vampira (from someones site- sorry i dont remember the name) An Orchid from the same site.
"The relation between you and me is the most beautiful thing in my life. It is the most wondrful thing that I have known in any life. It is eternal." -Khalil Gibran from Mary Haskell's Journal. September 11, 1922.
The Days Of The Pheonix- written and performed by AFI (your fave song eh? And i remember you telling me that somehow this reminded you of me- in my yearbook message (2 pages!) i dont need to get it to be flattered. I love you.)
I remember when i was told a story of crushed velvet candle wax and dried up flowers. The figure on the bed all dressed up in roses, calling, beckoning to sleep offering a dream.The words were as mystical as purring animals. The circle of rage the ghosts on the stage appeared. The time was so tangible ill never let it go. Ghost stories handed down reached secret tunnels below. No one could see me. I fell into yesterday. Our dreams seemed not far away. I want to stay. I fell into fantasy. The girl on the wall always waited for me, and she was always smiling. The teenage death boys, the teenage death girls... and everyone was dacing. Nothing could touch us then, no one could change us then, and everyone was dancing. Nothing could hurt us then, no once could see us then, and everyone was dancing. Everyone was dancing.
This is just so i can see this everyday and remind myself of how much you love me because its the most amazing emotional rush to know just how much.
darkayngel: (11:43 PM) :P
Sexual Hot Vanilla: (11:43 PM) hyper just a bit?
darkayngel: (11:44 PM) just in a really happy mood.... thanks to you
Sexual Hot Vanilla: (11:44 PM) np.....hey i should put u into a happy mood if u put me in one.... :P
darkayngel: (11:44 PM) :)
Sexual Hot Vanilla: (11:45 PM) i love you
darkayngel: (11:45 PM) i love you more
Sexual Hot Vanilla: (11:45 PM) no i love you more...
darkayngel: (11:45 PM) i dunno... i think i love you more than that.... hehe
Sexual Hot Vanilla: (11:46 PM) i love you more than life....
darkayngel: (11:46 PM) i love you more than anything i have ever known
Sexual Hot Vanilla: (11:46 PM) i love you more....than love will let me...
darkayngel: (11:47 PM) "The relation between you and me is the most beautiful thing in my life. It is the most wondrful thing that I have known in any life. It is eternal." -Khalil Gibran from Mary Haskell's Journal. September 11, 1922.
thats on my website now.. because it is true and i found it.
Sexual Hot Vanilla: (11:47 PM) yes it is true... :)
darkayngel: (11:48 PM) thats why i put it there... for everyone to see...
Sexual Hot Vanilla: (11:48 PM) good work
darkayngel: (11:48 PM) yup... i always find good stuff....
Sexual Hot Vanilla: (11:48 PM) yes like me.... ::P
darkayngel: (11:49 PM) of course... your the best most amazing thing ive ever found.... the single most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me in this life
Sexual Hot Vanilla: (11:50 PM) same with you
darkayngel: (11:50 PM) hehe... its such a useful skill to be good with words to express feelings and such.... im so proud *snif* hhehee... i love you... and im going insane with you not being here
Sexual Hot Vanilla: (11:53 PM) i'm going insane with you not being here too....i love you....i hate being away from you....the only good thing about being away from you....is that i know that you will always be there....so i don't tottally miss you....i know that you will be back...i know you love me and that you would never do anything to fuck us up....and i wouldn't either....i have never felt this way about anyone or anything.....i love you and i'm proud to say it too
darkayngel: (11:54 PM) you do realize that im going to print this out probably and keep it under my bed at night so i can feel this way every night before i go to sleep right? :)
Sexual Hot Vanilla: (11:54 PM) :)
go ahead...i just wanted you to know that....i love you and i never ever want that to change...
darkayngel: (11:56 PM) as far as i know it never will.... because i love you just as much... and ive finally found who i am and people to be myself around so i dont think i will change... i never want to lose you or any of the way i feel around you
Sexual Hot Vanilla: (11:57 PM) why are you perfect for me?
darkayngel: (11:58 PM) I LOVE YOU TOO!!!! and i only seem perfect because you love me too much to let yourself see any of my flaws... and dont say i dont have any cause i do.. you just dont want to see them... :)
Sexual Hot Vanilla: (11:59 PM) even if you do have flaws i don't care about them..i know you have them but they don't bother me...cause i know i have my own flaws
darkayngel: (12:02 AM) not that i have noticed... but they must be there somewhere... i love you too much to even care if theyre there... you are the only person i can think of when i am asked anything about love... because youre the only person i can ever see myself feeling this way about.... the only person i have ever felt anything close to love about... i want you to know i can never see myself without you....
Sexual Hot Vanilla: (12:03 AM) i can never see myself without you either...and quite frankly i don't want to....
darkayngel: (12:04 AM) alright i dont know where to go from there... except *heart pounding* hehe... why must i always ruin the moment? ill think of more in a bit... hehe
Sexual Hot Vanilla: (12:05 AM) don't worry about it, it's better we get it out....so there is no clowdyness around our relationship....i have to leave soon so i can get up when you get here
darkayngel: (12:06 AM) alright... see you in the morning... I LOVE YOU
Sexual Hot Vanilla: (12:07 AM) I LOVE YOU TOO, i can't wait to see you in the morning....i want to see you now/!!!
fuck i love you...i never want to leave you....i want you!!!
i think i better stop and go to bed....ok.....goodnight....get alot of sleep!!
darkayngel: (12:08 AM) goodnight... I LOVE YOU TOO!!!
Sexual Hot Vanilla: (12:09 AM) I LOVE YOU!!
"People may not remember exactly what you did or what you said, but they will always remember how you made them feel." -Anonymous
Monday ilovetomilovetomilovetom
Two more hours until you get home. Its 10 pm. You work until 11 and it takes you an hour to get home. Then I can talk to you on ICQ, tell ou how much i love you, see what we'll do together tomorrow. I love you more than anything in the world. You are the most perfect creature that I have ever known existed. Thank Goddess I have found you and you feel the same way. I never want to let go of you, and my heart breaks every time i have to say goodbye to you, even if its only for the night. I have never felt this way about anyone before, and I hope I will never be with anyone else. All my love is for you. Thank Goddess for allowing me to find you. I feel so full of joy love and emotional ecstasy every time that I'm with you, even when I think of you. I can't beleive that this happened to me so soon or so easily, but it is the most beautiful thing in my life. It is the most amazing feeling, the biggest emotional rush, to hear you whisper 'I love you' to me. I know it sounds so cheesy and outdone but its true. It is the most incredible feeling to know just how much you love me. I can fall asleep at night, even though you arent with me, to hold me, just thinking of that. I can never picture myself without you. I can never get enough of the feeling I get when you put your arms around me. Thomas I love you.
darkayngel 7/20/01 11:34 PM hey jules
Jube-Jube 7/20/01 11:34 PM hey there whatcha up too?
darkayngel 7/20/01 11:35 PM nothin... figuring out what to do tomorrow....
kinda sad cause im leaving in a week
Jube-Jube 7/20/01 11:35 PM where ya leaving to?
darkayngel 7/20/01 11:36 PM georgian bay
for 3 weeks
im going to die
Jube-Jube 7/20/01 11:36 PM why? Tom not comming with you?
darkayngel 7/20/01 11:37 PM no :(
darkayngel 7/20/01 11:37 PM im going with my family
darkayngel 7/20/01 11:37 PM i really really really really really dont want
to go
Jube-Jube 7/20/01 11:37 PM that really really sucks, I almost died today
cause I didn't see my b/f
Jube-Jube 7/20/01 11:37 PM and it's only been a day
darkayngel 7/20/01 11:38 PM im just so sad because i only got to see him
for a few hours today... and i wont be able to
tomorrow.. and sunday he works at 2 so ive got
like an hour maybe... i was crying earlier
because i was in a bad mood and thinking about
how i wont see him for 3 weeks... then i
thought i wouldnt see him today... i was so
Jube-Jube 7/20/01 11:39 PM oh it's okay...you'll get by I know you will
darkayngel 7/20/01 11:39 PM then monday he works... then tuesday we go to
ozzfest... which i mean is great but it doesnt
leave us time to be together... then wednesday
or thursday i leave...
no i seriously wont get by...i dont know what
im going to do... i cant take that long... and
3 weeks is a long time... alot can happen in 3
Jube-Jube 7/20/01 11:40 PM whats that suppose to mean?
darkayngel 7/20/01 11:40 PM think what happened with us in 3 weeks
darkayngel 7/20/01 11:41 PM i mean thats also alot of time to think.... im
just so worried
darkayngel 7/20/01 11:42 PM it was worse yesterday... him and jessica were
at my house until 1 in the morning... then he
biked home...!.... i had like a nervous
breakdown i was so scared something would
happen to him
Jube-Jube 7/20/01 11:43 PM oh....stop worrying about it take it one day
at a time you can call him and stuff...my
cousin's 1 and half year long boyfriend left
to live in the states again for like 3
months...she thought she would die and shes
doing fine...trust me
Jube-Jube 7/20/01 11:43 PM he came back now and they are happy as ever
Jube-Jube 7/20/01 11:43 PM DON'T WORRY BOUT IT!!!
darkayngel 7/20/01 11:43 PM still... what if something happens while im
darkayngel 7/20/01 11:43 PM what if he realizes he doesnt want to be with
darkayngel 7/20/01 11:44 PM what if he meets someone else
3 weeks is a long time
Jube-Jube 7/20/01 11:44 PM it won't happen
darkayngel 7/20/01 11:44 PM it could
Jube-Jube 7/20/01 11:44 PM it won't! you little paranoid girl!!!
Jube-Jube 7/20/01 11:44 PM have you talked to him about it yet?
darkayngel 7/20/01 11:45 PM i just dont want to lose the best thing in my
yea ive talked to him about it... i mean that
ill miss him and ill go insane
darkayngel 7/20/01 11:45 PM i havent told him that im nervous about this
darkayngel 7/20/01 11:46 PM i just know he loved patty and now he loves
me... he could love someone else too...
Jube-Jube 7/20/01 11:47 PM *sigh* I have no comment on the love thing
but...if you think about it if he loves you
like he says he does then obviously he's not
going to find someone new!!
darkayngel 7/20/01 11:49 PM but i dont know that
i just know he follows his emotions.... what
if he finds he has feelings for someone else
too... and he still talks about patty... hes
still mad at lance for all that... i think he
still has at least some feelings for her
too... i just feel like i could lose him so
darkayngel 7/20/01 11:50 PM he was with her for 7 and a half months.... i
know he really loved her
Jube-Jube 7/20/01 11:51 PM 7 and a half months isn't that long ya know!!
stop freting over it!!
I am going to miss you so much Tom! I dont know what I'm going to do without you! All I know is I am going to fully use my phone priveledges. I love you more than anything. I'm going to miss you more than you'll ever know. I love you.